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I Was Born To Do This

Aug 25, 2021

In a world that can feel upside down and in upheaval- there is something we can do to stay in high vibrations. No matter what is going on around us. Today’s episode will guide you on how to do this. 
And this is the last week to get on the waitlist for my new mastermind. Click here-

Aug 18, 2021

Today's episode is for all of those moments when you want to quit. The ones where you question WHY you are creating, writing, coaching, or simply any role you play in this life. The moments when we break, and the world gets the darkest is when we usually want to shut down and hide. It is my belief that if we view the...

Aug 11, 2021

As the world continues to be swirling with fear and uncertainty, it can be easy to feel hopeless. But there is one thing that will always combat the dark. And that is LIGHT. Today's episode is all about HOW we activate more light in ourselves and in the world! And, if you are ready to step forward as a leader of...

Aug 5, 2021

I believe that when we can change the way we perceive life, we automatically get different results. Today our conversation is centered on how to see life through a different lens, to get better results. And if you want to get on the waitlist for my newest mastermind click here-